The Hospital Telephone Directory & Hospital Address Books

The Hospital Telephone Directory & Hospital Address Books

User Friendly
All entries are fully indexed, grouped and listed alphabetically. Spiral bound so that they remain open during use and brightly coloured to ensure that they remain visible on the busiest desk, the format is unique in that it ensures that there is plenty of space for jotting down personal extension numbers & notes.

 Cost Effective
Balanced against the cost of Directory Enquiries and the time lost in searching for numbers and addresses, these directories very soon pay for themselves.

Regions & Districts
Ambulance Services
NHS & Independent Hospitals
NHS Supplies & Trusts

EVERY entry has recently been checked directly with the establishment concerned.

These Directories contain over 2,500 Addresses, Telephone & Fax Numbers.

 CMA Healthcare Directory on Disk
All the hospital address, phone and fax details on your PC.

The Hospital Telephone Directory: Autumn 1997
(One FREE copy for every 5 purchased)
The Hospital Address Book £35.00

How to order and advertising enquiries
To order a copy of the directory or to request further information: 

Copyright CMA Medical Data 1997 Email :
Last updated : July 1999
This site has been developed by Acumen